Thursday, September 18, 2008

The girl is BACK! ;)

Selamat pagi semua! :DD Heh..
I know I've vanished into thin air for quite awhile.
You might ask what has she been up to? ^
Haha. Had been a little busy + a lil stressed.
With college work as usual.
Talk about projects, assignments, tests and quizes coming in,
not to forget revision and attending classes
College is prowess in this! hahaha
But the lil stress comes from studying.
I've got my textbooks just last week.
And I've never felt so happy before seeing TEXTBOOKS! Heh.
It's like I've been preparing a red carpet awaiting for the 'grand entry' of my textbooks!
Imagine how much they meant to me. lol.
So yeah, I have alot of catching up to do
So if you hardly see me here
You know what I'm up to yeah?

p/s: Thank YOU for checking out on my blog even when there's NO updates. It's very encouraging. And I appreciate it so much!

Take care,ya? Cheers~

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