Friday, January 22, 2010

Your Love In The Desert...

Hey there!

If you're going through tough times when life seems to get out of control; when you don't know which road to take; when you're unsure if God is with you in your hardest time, I pray this song will encourage your soul just as it had done to mine when I penned it down. All glory to God! Though yes, I wished I need not go through all these which to me are unnessary, but I trust that every single thing that happens in my life is for good in the end. (In addition to all, today, both my eyes are swollen! How am I going to go out and youth tmr?? How am I going to go for practice, and back up sing?

My cry is Psalm 22:11 & 8-"Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help."He trusts in the Lord; let the LORD rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him." You made me trust in You!

Guess He knows what's happening and allows it to happen, for a reason. Praise God that though my circumstances may be big, but God is wayyyy BIGGERRR!!!

Would I find Your love in the desert?
Would I find Your peace in the midst of the storm?
Would I find Your light when I have lost my way?
Would I find Your strength when weakness comes?
Oh how near You are,
That Your arms surrounding me
Oh how Your love,
That is so, so, so strong!
Mighty God,
I find my strength in You
Oh Prince of Peace
It's You who calm my storm
Everlasting Father
Your grace will see me through
And yes, for sure
I'll find Your love in the desert

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